
Fur The Love Of …

My sister Jo is a vet nurse and this morning, just behind a block of units near her work, someone dumped a mother cat and her 6 kittens. Just left them in a cardboard box. Sigh.

I could weep. I really could.

Mumma Cat
Her Kittens

Why dump these sweet kitty cats? Ffs, take them into the vet. Or take them to an animal shelter. Be decent. Be thoughtful. Be caring. Be considerate. Be kind. Surely it’s not that hard?

The human animal can be such an unpleasant creature. I feel deeply ashamed that we are not a better species; that we can be truly vile and cruel. These cats deserved better. One, because they are living, sentient beings and, two, we made them our responsibility.

We’re the species who took cats and dogs, amongst other things, out of their environments and habitats and placed them into our homes. We domesticated them for our own pleasure or agendas. We invited them in and encouraged dependence. We take the view that we ‘own’ them, therefore they’re our property to do with as we please and if that includes discarding them, then so be it. It’s our right.

While every other species goes about its own life minding its own business, we butt in everywhere and make choices and decisions about their lives, usually to convenience us. When’s the last time kangaroos called for a cull on humans because we’re in ‘unmanageable’ numbers?

We decimate populations, bringing them to the brink of extinction with hunting and culls and poison and viruses. We give no mind to what used to be a harmoniously balanced food chain by killing one animals’ food source and when they inevitably turn to another source for survival, we dare to get shitty about it. We destroy habitats without so much as a backward glance. We ruin homes and lives with a shrug of our shoulders.

I sometimes wonder if we feel inferior so we lord it over everything just to feel superior. You know, like a bully. For surely, only an inferior species that has the size/strength/weaponry edge on other species would get some sick thrill being abusive and destructive and power mad.

Look, I know that even when you take people out of the equation, nature at work is not all rainbows and pots of posies. Animals fight. They kill. They swarm. They steal. They abandon their young. They usurp land. They hunt each other for food. It’s tough out there. Everything wants to survive. Life is a brutal business.

But animals following their instincts and their intrinsic natures doesn’t make my blood boil and make me write blogs about mistreatment and gross selfishness. It’s the unfair way people interact and interfere with other animals that makes me take to my keyboard. We’re supposed to be an intelligent species; aware and enlightened. We’re supposed to be above base behaviours. We’re supposed to be better than we are.

So why do we continue to be so cruel?

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